get trained

Basic Awareness Package
A 1-hour introductory webinar or in-person session that provides an overview of human trafficking, the barriers survivors face in employment, and the benefits of hiring survivors.

Safe Site Training
A 3-hour in-depth training session (virtual or in-person) that covers basics of human trafficking, trauma-informed practices, how to engage with your local network, and how to create supportive environments. The package includes customized materials for the business/organization, such as guidelines for supervisors and staff, and a Q&A session with an expert.

Strategic Implementation Package
A full-day workshop (virtual or in-person) that includes all elements of the Safe Site Training Package, plus a focus on policy development, survivor support frameworks, and monitoring and evaluation strategies. This package includes post-training support with three months of follow-up consultations to assist in implementing practices and policies.

Partnership Program Package A comprehensive, six-month partnership that includes multiple training sessions, on-site visits, and collaborative policy development. The program involves regular follow-ups, ongoing consultation, and support for creating a survivor employment program. This package also offers networking opportunities with other businesses committed to employing survivors.

Transformational Business Package
For businesses that want to employ survivors of trafficking. This is a one-year, intensive partnership that includes the full scope of services from the previous packages, plus leadership coaching, community engagement strategies, and brand alignment consultations. Businesses also receive support in becoming champions of survivor employment, including public relations messaging to spread the word about their efforts and impact.


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